- Awakened Reflections with Shaun Jeter
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- What is love?
What is love?
baby don't hurt me...
What is love?
Love is presence.
Being in a state of presence allows us to be free of our egos, and when we are free of ego, we feel our connection to the Universe, our connection to each other, and our oneness with the whole of nature.
This feeling of connection is an indescribable sensation that many people refer to as love.
We can only feel separate from Love by resisting Love and creating barriers within ourselves that restrict the energy of Love from flowing through us freely.
Love is merely a word that attempts to define this energy, as well as the connection we feel when we are in touch with this energy — a feeling of appreciation, warmth, abundance, peace, acceptance, trust, and freedom that words are unable to convey.
Honestly, to describe what Love is, it’s perhaps easier to do by describing what it is not.
Love is not fearful, clinging, or controlling.
It does not criticize, condemn, or judge.
It does not make fun of, ridicule, or blame.
It is not selective, limiting, greedy or selfish.
It does not depend on circumstances or conditions.
Love is not impatient, forceful, or expecting.
Love embraces all unconditionally. Love sees all as one.
Love respects all as part of the one, and appreciates every part of the one by recognizing its impermanence and acknowledging its beauty as it exists now.
Many people fear Love because it cannot be understood conceptually, can't be controlled physically, and can only be felt emotionally.
But to the one who surrenders their fears, lets go of their ego’s need for control, and embraces Love, they realize that Love is the source of true freedom, true bliss, and true purpose to the beauty of the mystery of existence.
Our culture and society have a huge misconception of what Love is.
We have tried to force Love, to find it in physical features, to look for it in sex and pleasure, or to find it in what someone can do for us.
Relationships are where most people look for Love, but relationships cannot give us love, they can only help us connect to the Love that is already within us.
We suffer when we fail to understand what Love is.
We try to make it selective and depend on the person who awakened the feeling of Love in us as if they were the source of our Love.
Love is not something that we can get; it is something that we are, something that exists within us, and all we need to do is surrender to it, tap into it, and let it consume us wholly.
It is said that Love is blind, but is it really?
From my understanding, nothing on earth is as clear-sighted as Love.
The thing that is blind is not Love but attachment.
There are 3 blocks that stop Love
The first is belief.
As soon as you have a belief you have concluded about a person, situation, or thing, you have now become fixed and have dropped your sensitivity.
The moment you say so-and-so is wise or mean or defensive or whatever, you have hardened your perception and become prejudiced. You have ceased to perceive this person moment by moment.
It’s suggested to take a careful look at these beliefs, for just the realization that they are beliefs, conclusions, prejudices, and not reflections of reality, will cause them to drop.
The second block is attachment.
When you have an attachment, with it comes an exclusion of other things, and an insensitivity to anything that isn’t part of your attachment.
Each time you leave the object of your attachment, you leave your heart there, so you cannot invest it in the next place you go.
It is a need, a clinging, a drug that clouds your perception.
It can be said that as long as one has the slightest attachment to anything or anyone, Love cannot be born.
It is only when attachments disappear that one enters the boundless realm of spiritual freedom called “Love.”
How can someone possess this kind of Love?
You can’t because it is already there within you. All you have to do is remove the blocks you place to sensitivity, and it will surface.
If we confuse Love with attachment, with the need to feel safe, and the need to have someone we can depend on and fulfill our desire and expectations, we will only suffer, as we are not really acting in Love, but in fear.
The last block is fear.
The tension and anxiety are the death of Love and the joyful freedom that Love brings.
Love and freedom are only found when one enjoys each present moment that arises, and then allows it to go.
Fear is controlling, dependent, and insecure, and stems from a lack of Love, from a lack of realizing our true nature.
Fear is not a quality of Love, it is a quality of ego.
Create A Loving World
When you are in Love with everything and everyone, you find yourself looking at the world with new eyes.
You become generous, kind, and forgiving when you might have been hard and mean before.
People react to you in the same way and soon you find yourself living in a loving world that you yourself have created.
How could you go about creating a happy, loving, peaceful world?
By implementing an art called “the art of looking.”
Every time you find yourself irritated or angry with someone, the one to look at is not that person but yourself.
The question to ask is not, “What’s wrong with this person?” but “What does this irritation tell me about myself?”
A way to apply this is to think of some irritating people you know and state this painful but liberating sentence to yourself: “The cause of my irritation is not in this person but in me.”
Look into the very real possibility that the reason why this person’s so-called defects annoy you is that you have them yourself, but you have repressed them and then are projecting them unconsciously onto another.
Something else that’s worth looking at is to question yourself: Can it be that you are annoyed at what this person says or does because those words and behaviors are pointing out something in your life and in yourself that you’re refusing to see?
Be the best version of yourself by being here now, by being in a state of presence.
Presence is the secret to Love
By being present we can embrace the unknown with Love.
Whatever arises in our experience can be welcomed with Love, rather than being pushed away by fear.
Everything we interact with can benefit from our loving presence.
Simply by healing ourselves and allowing ourselves to be present, we can help heal the lives of those we come in contact with too.
Healing ourselves is healing others, and healing others is healing ourselves.
We are all One. When we are in a state of presence this becomes more than just an intellectual concept, it becomes an undeniable reality, it becomes our very state of being.
Do the inner work.
Be Love.
“You are a creature of Divine Love connected at all times to Source. Divine Love is when you see God in everyone and everything you encounter.” — Wayne Dyer