How I Want To Live My Life

A deep soul search from within

I strongly disagree and dislike the common way people look at and think about work. (also life in general)

Something within me since a younger age has always rejected this idea of working 1 job, climbing the corporate ladder, and retiring at 65.

One of the healthy skills I developed during the self-diagnosed “introverted” years of my life that I picked up was the skill of observation.

For those 6-7 years I sat in silence. Quietly observing and critically thinking about who did what, why they did it, and what was the outcome of their actions.

I’ve seen the elderly being extremely regretful for living life the way they did.

I saw parents being stuck in unhappy jobs, which they needed to support the whole family, and the effects of these causes looked like something similar to this:

  • the unhappy job turned to unhappy decisions

  • unhappy decisions turned into unhappy relationships

  • unhappy relationships turned to unhappy family

  • unhappy family turned to an unhappy life

Something within me also rejected the whole idea of college, but I went anyway.

I went for one semester. It was alright. My grades were fine.

However, it reached the point where I had to schedule the next semester’s classes and make sure they added up correctly so that I would graduate by taking the right classes.

This felt like Hell.

I truly did not want to spend my life from ages 18-22, possibly 24, studying and fully committing to this one major, which at the time was the one I was most interested in and seemed to lead to a decent career path that I’d somewhat enjoy (exercise science).

I immediately looked at all the other majors that were offered.

None looked like a job, career, title, or life that I wanted to live.

So, I dropped out.

My true first wake-up call in life.

Now what?

Ages 18 to now (24)

This is the part where 400+ self-improvement, business, finance, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, leadership, and marketing books came into my reality.

I read Bronnie Ware’s Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. I took it to heart to look at the overlapping common things that people regretted about their lives right before they passed away.

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

“Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, and choose honestly.”

and this is where I read Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour Workweek (iykyk)

People are making their dreams and desires a reality through the power of the internet. This will be a newsletter topic in the future.

These last 6 years have been a search and journey of asking the biggest questions in life.

Who am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? Where do I go when I die?

I could turn each one of those questions into a 10,000-word newsletter, I’ll also do this all another time.

Long story short, the quotes, questions, and answers come down to this:

Who am I?

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” — Rumi

Why am I here?

“See, this is the real secret of life: to be completely engaged with what you're doing in the here and now—and instead of calling it work, realize that this is play” — Alan Watts

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu

“The most powerful position you can be in is to serve the person you once were.” — Rory Vaden

“The very center of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on earth.” — Rumi

Who am I?

  • I am

What do I want to do in life?

  • To fully express myself and experience all of life that I can. To be free from the mind’s egoic suffering. The freedom to do, be, and have all the things that I desire. To awaken myself to the truth of who we really are: love, peace, and joy, and to embody that awakening at all times so I can be the inspiration, example, symbol, and hope for others to live in this state of being as well. Be the light in the world.

How did I get here?

  • God/Source/Universe

Where do I go when I die?

  • God/Source/Universe

What do I enjoy in life? How do I make this a reality?

What lifestyle/activities would make me not regret my life later on?

Here is what I currently know.

The people I aspire to be like in life are what are similarly called generalists, multipotentialites, or modern renaissance men.

It’s not just that they “do” more, it’s that they “express” themselves more, and they enjoy & love every aspect of it. It serves a bigger purpose for life than just themselves.

I have always had a child-like curiosity about many things in life.

Looking back since the beginning of life, I have had so many interests and a lot are still within me that’s been waiting for me to allow the expression to come through:

  • Treasure hunting/conspiracy theories - Think National Treasure, Indiana Jones, The Davinci Code series

  • Video games

  • Dancing on stage - either as a solo performance or in a group

  • Making songs - Also playing guitar & piano

  • Playing sports - It used to be Football, Baseball, and Sports, but now I want to participate in endurance races (Tough Mudder) and play Golf.

  • Writing

  • and others

Looking at my life over the past few years, I have suppressed my expressions to focus on other things, and that led me to:

1. Accumulating more debt than ever before.

2. A downfall of feeling connected to others.

3. Stressed and overwhelmed beyond measure even though I’ve studied everything there is to know about stress through philosophy, podcasts, spirituality, books, etc.. That funny paradox.

These are examples of people who are living the multipotential, renaissance lifestyle that I aspire to live. It’s not that I want to do exactly what they do, but they provide proof that this lifestyle is possible.

  • The Rock - Football Player, WWE Wrestler, Actor, Singer, Business Owner

  • Walter Russell - Sculptor, Philosopher, Author, Scientist, Ice Skater

  • Tim Ferriss - Author, Investor, Martial Artist, Professional Dancer, Podcaster

  • Shaq - NBA star, Actor, DJ, Business Owner, Philanthropist, Sports Analyst

  • Ali Abdaal - Doctor, YouTuber, Singer, Pianist/Guitarist, Author, Speaker

Before I share what I want to do, I read this text recently from a book that will change my life forever called “The Man Who Tapped The Secrets of the Universe” by Glenn Clark (a book about Walter Russell, who is listed above) and I feel it’s necessary to share.

“In any physical work he believes one can work many hours at a time, but in mental, creative work he believes one can do his best only for two hours at a time on any one subject, but he can work another two hours on another subject with equal freshness. He therefore sometimes works two hours a day on each of five different creations, “and in that way, I can live five lives at a time,” he says. He also believes that every man should be master of anything he does, do it in a masterly manner, and love it no matter what it is.”

“With an overwhelming desire for intensive expression and a love of all tasks of every nature, and a deep love of life, and of all people and things in life, he believes that every person can remain vital and effervescent throughout one’s entire life.”

This struck something deep within me. This is how I want to live life.

This is a life philosophy I’m presently going through and deeply reflecting upon:

  • Live life now doing the 4-6 things daily (like Walter Russell) that I have a child-like curiosity with learning & that’s fun and express that daily.

  • While doing these things with discipline and consistency, the compound effect of each task/skill will dramatically change my life presently and the future for the “better.”

  • Realize that life is one big play, enjoy the music, dance, and sing it with all my heart and soul.

  • Let go of all the suffering and resistance and Let God shine the truth and expression through me.

My interests I want to spend my days, as of now, that fulfill me, keep my spirits high, and keep me feeling the excitement like a child, are below.

  • Dancing - learning choreography and freestyling - (Body expression)

  • Music - learning about music, learning guitar, and keyboard, making music, possibly future DJ - (Divine Expression)

  • Writing - (Mind expression)

  • Storytelling - Videography/Video editing/Photography/Photo Editing - (Body, Mind, Emotional, and Soul Expression)

Perhaps this is a perfect opportunity to experiment with Walter Russell’s 2 hour focused expression for each creative pursuit.

2 hours of dancing, 2 hours of creating/learning music, 2 hours of writing, 2 hours of using skills to tell stories.

This sounds like a badass day to me. It gets me fired up on the inside.

Now this is interesting. My mind immediately goes, how do I make a living that will support this lifestyle?

What are the outcomes of doing this?

What if I can’t make money doing this?

What will other people think about me dedicating many hours a day doing these things even though it’s what I want to do?

The ego haha.

It’s time for me to surrender to life, let go, and act on those things that I want to do, no matter the outcome, and be free from the tyranny of the ego.

Let's see how this goes.